Application Scenarios

Solve the complex and precise visual control of high-end equipment and intelligent visual inspection of industrial scenes

Vision-Guided Robotic System Motion

3D machine vision guidance systems are widely used in automated production lines and become an important part of industrial robots. As far as simple grinding and polishing applications are concerned, it is necessary to consider the material properties, hardness and other material properties of the base material to be ground in combination with the grinding scene, and at the same time, select the appropriate abrasive according to the particle size and craftsmanship of the abrasive produced by the final product forming requirements, relying on the needs of the robot. Select the appropriate robot for pressure, angle, and speed, and select the appropriate grinding tool for the grinding position and process.

Vision-Guided Robotic System Motion

Features and Benefits

Core technology is mature
Core technology is mature

The company focuses on the accumulation of core technologies and the cultivation of talents. The core technologies such as vision-guided motion control, visual defect detection, and robot flexible grippers are completely independently developed and designed, and have been successfully implemented in projects.

Strong compatibility and good versatility
Strong compatibility and good versatility

The system movement only needs to set the connection device, and it can be applied to different types of robots (industrial robots, collaborative robots, etc.) and can be tried out, and the maximum possible product form is fully satisfied.

Customer appeal

Customer appeal

1. The project needs to use industrial vision and robots at the same time to make it work effectively.

2. The robot hand grasping must have the characteristics of versatility, and can meet the characteristics that cannot be satisfied by products and different specifications according to the production line scheduling.

3. The production efficiency is higher than the labor efficiency, and the quality and craftsmanship need to be higher than the manual operation.

Customer appeal
Customer pain points

1. High intensity of manual work and harsh working environment.

2. The project implementation period is short, the on-site debugging time is short, and the required success rate is high.

3. There are many types of products and various specifications and numbers.

4. Various sensor detection settings should be scientific and stable.

Customer pain points


Project implementation experience and ability

The special project team is composed of mechanical control, production and after-sales teams with the same project implementation experience, especially the after-sales team has the ability to undertake more than 3 projects at the same time.

Vision-Guided Robot Motion

Using vision to guide robot motion, implement online motion trajectory planning; the implementation process is: manual feeding, reciprocating table advancement, module taking tray keycap, placing secondary positioning table for positioning, after the robot takes pictures and polishes, the module will be polished after The keycap is placed on the original tray, the reciprocating table is withdrawn, and the material is manually unloaded.

The most mature design

The senior structural design engineer adopts the most mature design scheme in the industry, and fully refers to the implementation experience of similar projects in the past to design the mechanical structure of buffering, lifting, etc. to ensure the feasibility and stability of the scheme.